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Our Cigar Selection
Non-Premium Cigars
Non-premium cigars are usually made with lower-grade tobaccos and aged for a shorter period of time. They often have a weaker flavor and aroma, and the wrapper is usually of a lower-grade tobacco. Non-premium cigars are usually cheaper than premium cigars, making them an ideal choice for those on a budget.
Premium Cigars
Premium cigars are usually made with a carefully selected blend of tobaccos from around the world. These tobaccos are then aged for a longer period of time in order to give the cigar a robust flavor and aroma. Premium cigars also have a unique wrapper that is often made of a higher-grade tobacco that has a unique texture and flavor.
Cigar 5-Packs & Samplers
Cigar 5-Packs & Samplers give you a perfect way to experience a bunch of different cigars when you’re not in the mood to go one by one purchasing singles, or when you’re buying a blend and one cigar simply isn’t enough.
Embark on a journey of taste and refinement with our carefully curated selection of cigars, expertly chosen for our humidor. Each cigar is a testament to quality and craftsmanship, selected with precision to offer an unparalleled smoking experience. From rich, earthy blends to subtly nuanced flavors, our collection caters to every palate and preference. Discover the perfect companion for your moments of relaxation and celebration, as you explore the world of fine cigars in our meticulously curated selection.
The Vault Lounge
Enhance your grooming experience with a touch of luxury. While you await your haircut, step into our inviting lounge, where you can indulge in the pleasure of a fine cigar and unwind in style. Elevate your visit with a moment of relaxation, as you immerse yourself in the ambiance of our exclusive space. Your perfect cigar awaits – join us for a refined escape.